mercoledì 22 luglio 2009

So this, so that, what if this, what if that and things like that

hi folks!, this time I'd like to blog about books an lots more.

I usually recognize two kinds of books or movies or entertainement stuffs

-biunivoc concept stuffs
-polydromic concept stuffs


Yah!, let's take a look for example about books only, what happens about books and things, if we can put this, that, so what if this, what if that, and things like that!!.

do what?

That's the matter of biunivoc books VS polydromic books
That's matter of traditional narratives VS multiple-plot narratives

Do you agree or not?!

Yah!, now let's imagine on taking a look inside a generic and a "traditional" book or a sort of biunivoc books. Every kind of books you have in you library or in your bookshelf at home, I'm sure about them, probably they will have hundreads and hundreads of differences but they have one big things in common in between. That's for sure, all books are the same, even if they are all about different topics.

Really? Yah!, That's for sure, I guess it!! Look at this concept

one begining / (one story) / one end

Well, that's for dang sure!, every books start, so they spoke about something, so they have a sort of finish. It's the same old situation, just thinking it for one moment please.

one begining / (one story) / one end

is it clear o what?

Yah! in my opinion all this books speak about different topics, and there are from history books, photo's books, science fiction book, science's book, theatree's book or lots more... but they are all the same book, it's the biunivoc book, you know what I mean.

So, for one moment, now lets imagine a polydromic book.
do what?

Polydromic books have got (at least) one begining / (lots of stories) / lots of end

mmmhhhh... what hell of book is all about ?!

Well, as I'm trying to say, it's all about this one big difference.

(at least) one begining / (lots of stories) / lots of end

Most of you, my dears readers, probably are remebering something of similar, don't you?. Yah!, a polydromic book it's a sort of librogame, but a polydromic book have got lots of differents in between, for example a polydomic book have got:

-empty pages,empty pages need to hide, to divide the future from the reader and its choices

-they are written in pages and they haven't few rows of sentences only, just like the old game books

-if polydromic books offer gadgets, that's for sure the readers are self profiling towards cool gadgets and probably the readers'll buy products or gadgets because they want them

-the polydromic books can speak about many different line of stories, it means that in lots of stories the polydromic book can be different stories for different kind of readers. From history topic, to science book too and lots of more.

-a polydromic book can have 2 kind of status, a free polydromic book with a short multi stories and it supports the merchandising or the pay product of the polydromic book . So the pay release of the polydromic book have more stories and more elements and it can be more complicated than the free polydromic release.

Would you like to try a polydromic book?!

Let's take a look to

So after a while, let's imagine this, that, what if this, what if that and things like that. So what if the concept of a polydromic book change the concept of a "traditional" movie?
No!, it's not a videogame or arcade, I'm quite sure about that. So if you speak italian, please take a look right here on


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